Best New Baby Gifts to Bring on Your First Visit
New parents are often cautious about their child’s exposure to the outside world, and they’re probably going to limit their first visitors to a select few. If you’re on that list, you should feel honored! Should you bring a gift to show how touched you are?

Nynne Schrøder
It’s always a little scary for new parents to let an outside friend or family member into their newborn’s bubble, but COVID-19 poses additional concerns. If you’ve been invited to meet a new baby, you’ll need to be respectful of whatever boundaries the adults may have. This article tells us that the safest way to visit a newborn is to wear a mask and maintain a physical distance of at least six feet.
You may not be able to hold the newborn during your visit, but you can still welcome them to the world with a thoughtful present! It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant, especially if you already made a substantial contribution at the baby shower. Toys, clothing, or care items are usually appreciated!
In this post, we’re going to give you some excellent ideas for unique baby gifts parents will love, too. If you missed our last blog post, you can get caught up here. Keep reading to find the most adorable newborn gifts to say “Welcome, Baby!” on your first visit.
A Personalized 3D Crystal

3D Crystal Rectangle (Portrait Orientation) from ArtPix 3D
The first year after the birth of a new baby is incredibly special, but it goes by in a flash! One of the sweetest gifts you can offer the parents of a newborn is a meaningful way to look back on those first moments. ArtPix 3D can transform photos and ultrasound images into spectacular 3D crystal engravings that bring beautiful parenting memories to life.
A Better Bib

Babies are notoriously messy eaters. Here’s an excellent gift to help new parents avoid creating piles of extra laundry during mealtimes. There are some pretty ingenious baby bibs on the market these days, and this article offers some fantastic tips on choosing the perfect one. It also provides a list of their top picks!
No-Spill Bowls and Plates

Bibs are helpful for dealing with messes when they happen, but what if you could prevent spills in the first place? New parents will love the innovative baby plates and bowls in this article. Not only are they designed to minimize mealtime accidents, but they’re stylish to boot!
A Sound Machine for Better Sleep

Every parent knows that when their newborn gets a good night’s sleep, so do they! The most useful gift you can bring on your first visit is a white noise machine. What to Expect has listed some of their favorite sound machines for babies that are better than a lullaby.
Baby Brain Teasers

Are there any unique baby gifts that encourage learning from a young age? How about a brain teaser that’s just as fun as it is educational? Take a look at this article for some innovative puzzle toys guaranteed to get little ones thinking for themselves.
Baby-Safe Nail Polish

Is there any better bonding activity than a manicure? Here’s a fun gift for parents who can’t wait until their newborn is old enough to get their nails done. Check out this guide to child-safe nail polish to find non-toxic options in adorable colors.
Captivating Crib Toys

Getting a newborn to settle down for bed is more challenging than it sounds. Luckily, some toys can help fussy babies feel more comfortable at naptime. Check out this article to find adorable crib toys that would make an excellent gift on your first visit.
A Musical Instrument for Babies

Babies love to explore the world of sound. Unfortunately, some of the noises that pique their interest might not be so pleasant for parents. Here’s an excellent “welcome baby” gift that the whole family will appreciate. The top-rated musical instruments for babies in this post let them play with fascinating tones that won’t be too harsh on grown-up ears.
Unique Teething Toys

Most of us don’t remember the painful experience of teething. Judging by a baby’s typical reaction, that’s something we can probably be thankful for! Teething toys are designed to alleviate gum discomfort, which makes them a wonderful gift to bring a newborn. Good Housekeeping has a few suggestions!
An Adorable Hat

Being a parent comes with plenty of perks. Putting hilarious hats on your newborn is one of them. If you’re looking for a gift to bring on your first visit that’s sure to make everyone smile, take a look at the adorable baby hats in this article.
Food for the Grown-Ups

When visiting a newborn for the first time, it’s important to remember you’re also there to offer support to the parents. This post reminds us that it’s always a good idea to bring some healthy snacks or a meal they can reheat. The less cooking and grocery shopping they have to take care of, the better!
We hope this post gave you some great ideas for unique baby gifts both newborns and parents will love. If you need more inspiration, you can check out our blog here. You can also browse our shop to find unforgettable personalized gifts for any occasion.