15 Photo Moments You Need to Capture to Welcome Spring
That’s because today, March 19, is officially the first day of spring 2020! It’s finally time shed those extra layers and enjoy some additional hours of daylight.

After another grueling winter, we could certainly use some lovely spring weather to brighten up our lives. Lucky for us, spring has arrived a couple of days early this year. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, the vernal equinox typically takes place on March 20 or March 21. The last time we had such an early spring was over 100 years ago!
Spring breathes new life into the world around us. It encourages us to discard old habits and embrace a more positive attitude. However, this season tends to be short-lived. If only we could bottle its hope and energy to store for next winter!
You may not be able to stock up on warm weather or fresh flowers from spring, but there is one thing you can hang onto: your memories! Capture your favorite moments by taking lots of pictures, then come up with a creative way to preserve them. That way, you’ll have something beautiful to look back on when winter rolls around again.
Photo albums can be a fun way to display pictures that mean a lot to you. However, physical photos tend to deteriorate over time. A much better alternative is to send your spring pictures to ArtPix 3D and let us turn them into mesmerizing 3D photo crystals. Not only can we recreate your memories with breathtaking accuracy, but we can also transform them into realistic 3D images that seem to pop right out of your crystal keepsake!
In this post, we’re giving you a list of quintessential spring images that capture the magic of the season. Here are the 15 spring photos you should take while you welcome warmer weather.
Spending Time Outside
Photo by Sithamshu Manoj on Unsplash
There are lots of fun spring activities you can do now that the weather is getting warmer, but step one is to get out of the house and enjoy some much-needed fresh air! Even if you’re just heading to the backyard to hang out with your friends or read a book, being able to relax outdoors without your face stinging from the cold is a memory worth holding onto.
Picking Flowers

Photo by Remi Yuan on Unsplash
When you think of spring, the first thing that probably comes to mind is all the colorful flowers that start to bloom this time of year. Collect a bouquet of these sweet-smelling mementos and place them in a vase of water at home. Just make sure not to pick them from a protected nature reserve or from someone else’s garden unless you have permission!
Wearing a Flower Crown

If you feel like getting creative with your bouquet of fresh flowers, why not turn them into a whimsical springtime accessory? Check out this easy-to-follow tutorial on how to make a flower crown from ProFlowers. Then, head to the woods for a fantasy photoshoot!
Planting Your Garden

If you love spring flowers, why not grow some of your own? There’s no better way to celebrate the season of new beginnings than to plant some seedlings in your garden! Be aware, though, that not all flowers are meant to be planted in spring. Check out this handy growing calendar to find out what you should be planting when.
Standing Under a Blossoming Tree

Photo by Tonny Tran on Unsplash
Many flowers bloom all through summer, and some even stay bright and colorful into autumn. Budding trees, however, are almost exclusively seen in the springtime. Posing underneath a blossoming tree laden with pink and white flowers is a unique photo opportunity you won’t want to miss!
Your First Robin Sighting

The unmistakable orange breast of the robin can be one of the first signs of spring if you know what to look for. According to this article, these birds tend to hang out in groups during the winter, but if you see one sitting alone on a tree branch, you can be sure that warmer weather is on its way. If you’re sneaky enough, you might just be able to capture a photo of your first robin sighting!
Spring Cleaning

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash
The tradition of spring cleaning dates back to a time when most homes were heated by fire rather than electricity. According to this article, cleaning out the soot that had collected throughout the winter and letting fresh air back into the house was a must. While most of us no longer rely on fireplaces to keep warm during the winter, getting organized this spring can still let a metaphorical breath of fresh air into our homes.
Wearing Your Favorite Spring Outfit

Photo by Cassandra Hamer on Unsplash
The best part of organizing your house during spring cleaning is digging out all the spring clothes you packed away during the winter. Show off the warm-weather outfits you’ve been dying to wear again in an outdoor fashion photoshoot!
Riding Your Bike

Photo by sabina fratila on Unsplash
There’s nothing like a leisurely bike ride on a warm, sunny day. Not only is it a fun way to get some exercise, but it can also be an environmentally conscious way to travel! If you’re running errands close to home, consider hanging up your car keys and taking your bicycle out for a spin instead. Be sure to snap a selfie on your first ride!
A Day at the Park
Photo by Josephine Baran on Unsplash
Visiting a public park is almost like a mini-vacation. You get to relax in beautiful surroundings, leaving all your daily responsibilities behind. Spring is the best time to visit your local park and take pictures of any wildlife you can spot.
An Outdoor Picnic

Photo by Luísa Schetinger on Unsplash
The only thing better than a trip to the park is a picnic in the park! Take advantage of the warm weather and relatively few insects by packing your picnic blankets and some delicious food to enjoy with family and friends. Not sure what to bring? Here’s some advice from The Tasty Bite. Oh, and don’t forget your camera!
Enjoying Frozen Treats

Unless you’re one of those people that drink iced coffee all through the winter, there are some treats you can only enjoy when it’s warm out. Document your first ice cream, frozen yogurt, or iced coffee drink of the season. Watch out for brain freeze!
Visiting Baby Farm Animals

Photo by Christopher Carson on Unsplash
Springtime doesn’t just mean new life for plants and trees. This is the time of year when tons of baby farm animals are born, according to this article. If there’s a local farm or petting zoo you can visit, now would be the perfect opportunity to get some pictures of adorable piglets, lambs, and chicks!
Making A Dandelion Wish

Not everyone likes dandelions. After all, they do have a way of commandeering lawns and gardens! You have to admit, though, there’s something special about making a wish and watching the fluffy white dandelion seeds float away, even if it means more of these weeds sprouting up all over the place. Snap a picture of your first dandelion wish for a beautiful memento from spring.
A Rainy Day
Photo by Ren zo on Unsplash
Of all the things to look forward to in spring, rain probably isn’t at the top of your list. However, think of it this way: it’s not snow! Next time it rains, don’t stay cooped up indoors; grab your umbrella and get some rainy day photos outside. Just make sure not to get your camera wet!
We hope this post inspires you to commemorate your favorite moments this spring. When you’re ready to turn your best captured memories into creative keepsakes, be sure to visit our shop for some excellent ideas.
You might be wondering how these spring pictures will look as 3D engravings, especially since some of these shots depend on background images like flowers, trees, and other wildlife. While ArtPix 3D typically removes the background of your photo before creating your custom engraving, you can always request to keep your background or any secondary objects. All you have to do is write your special instructions in your Order Notes before checking out. You can find more information about special requests and customization options in our FAQ.
We’ll be back next week with more great content, and you can check out our previous blog posts here. In the meantime, be sure to go outside, enjoy the fresh air, and take lots of spring photos!